My Herpes Book

Making Peace With Herpes
“Raw and real. A credible, courageous and compassionate introduction to the unique and multi-faceted healing journey called herpes. Whether reading for prevention or viral management, Making Peace With Herpes offers holistic salve to truthseekers. Christopher Scipio’s non-ordinary message and methods are congruent and sorely needed. I heartily recommend both this supportive book and its author’s generous complementary work. Potent medicine for empowering more conscious living and loving”.S.M.
“Written with compassion & brawn, Scipio’s is the first book I have read that truly approaches herpes from a holistic stance. Making Peace with herpes walks you through vitamins, guided meditations and real life experiences on a path to wellness. This book is about emotional intelligence: rediscovering truth, the earth & our sacred selves. A must read irregardless of your herpes status.”A. Bacon, Sex Educator
“A MUST read for anyone struggling with the virus. This is not your standard medical type book, filled only with cold hard facts. The author speaks to you directly with compassion and understanding. You will come to understand that it IS possible to manage this condition and come to peace with it. You will also come to understand how to control the ‘triggers’ and, most importantly, how to keep your partner safe”.Anonymous, IT Technician
“I bought this book because I was looking for other answers than those provided by medical sites. It definitely provides information on statistics and forms of transmission as well as ways of protecting others. But more importantly it offers a spiritual/emotional approach to dealing with the often devastating news as well as the lifetime “companion”. The author’s personal experience is something we can all relate to and it is comforting to know that one is not alone. Actually knowing that we are a majority is in a way empowering. There are no quick fixes for this and our emotional and psychological health is extremely important when dealing with this virus. Christopher Scipio makes a good point to touch on this throughout the book. I am one of those people who does not buy into the big drug companies and quick fixes, so am drawn to holistic medicine”.C. Devine
“This is a book most especially for those who want an alternative to western medicine and an approach that will be truly holistic, addressing emotional and social issues surrounding HSV 1 & 2, as well as medical ones. It is warm and caring and full of wisdom. I’m grateful to Christopher Scipio for helping me understand this virus and learning how to deal with it without shame and as part of being a human being despite misplaced social stigma”.– Arize
“Christopher’s book was a life saver. It is informative, it responded to my doubts and fears, it answered my questions. It showed me a way to live with herpes holistically. It taught me to think positively about something that was making me very negative. I have given the book to several family members and friends who have herpes and they have loved it too. I highly recommend this book”.Charlotte in San Diego
“Making Peace With Herpes taught me methods for changing my life. It helped me chill out, come back to earth and realize that having herpes is not the nightmare I had made it out to be. Christopher Scipio presents a variety of helpful hints for dealing with herpes. From the physical and nutritional aspects to the mind methods you can use on a regular basis to have fewer breakouts and achieve greater overall health, the book is a reference tool that I did not just read once and forget about – I refer to it every now and then for ideas and the strength to execute them. It contains suggestions for veggies, juices, other foods, vitamin supplements and excercises that are very simple, inexpensive, and accessible – and that actually work. I’ve only mentioned some of the topics he covers in Making Peace with Herpes. This book helped me change for the better and move on with my life. Read it because it will benefit you”!– Anonymous, Horticulturist
“What can I say. I’ve lived with this disease for 15 years and this book is the first place I’ve found any real comfort or understanding. He’s actually offered hope! The education he provides about herpes is unmatched. Thanks God for Christopher”!– Anonymous
Making Peace with Herpes is the most thought-provoking and original book ever written on the subject of herpes. Christopher Scipio started off as a victim of the virus and transformed himself into one of the most experienced holistic practitioners who treats herpes in North America. He is an outspoken advocate of treatment without drug therapy”.
While it is a subject that many people would rather avoid, Scipio points out that 60% of the sexually active population in North America has either herpes simplex 1 or 2. “70% of the people who have it either don’t know they have it, won’t admit they have it or are not treating it,” Scipio explains “For some people having herpes can make you feel like a leper. There are no public fundraisers or celebrity spokespersons championing the cause of herpes. In fact you would be hard-pressed to get anyone to admit in public that they have ‘the gift.’ “
“The good news and the ironic news is that herpes is one of the easiest diseases to manage naturally. There is absolutely no need for drug-therapy for herpes. This book isn’t just about how to have fewer outbreaks or how to stop having outbreaks; just doing that isn’t enough to be healthy. This book is about holistically healing your herpes and living a healthy, happy and balanced life. Holistic health is about much more than making symptoms go away.”
Making Peace with Herpes is a must read for everyone. Whether you have herpes, are in a relationship with someone with herpes or you just want to educate yourself on the worlds fastest growing pandemic; it’s a self-empowerment guide of the first order.
New Self-Hypnosis CDs to Enhance
The Effectiveness of the Book!
Gifted hypnotherapist Karen Miller was commissioned to create a self-hypnosis programme based on Christopher Scipio’s herpes and HPV protocols and his book “Making Peace with Herpes”.
The physical symptoms of having herpes and hpv are the easiest to deal with, it’s the shame, guilt, anxiety and depression that often comes with having these diseases that is the more challenging aspect.
This simple, effective self-hypnosis programme will help you stop having outbreaks, help you deal with stress and other triggers for outbreaks, help you sleep better at night, and most importantly will help ease the guilt, shame and anger often experienced by those with herpes.
The self-hypnosis cds expand on all the themes in the book and will become a welcome part of your routine.
You can now get a soft-cover book and the two self-hypnosis cds for a combined price of $75.00 which is less than buying them seperately and a discount on a phone consultation with Christopher Scipio is also included in the package so you can ask him questions directly and get further suggestions on how to manage your herpes holistically. You save even more money and have the convenience of receiving the book and cds immediate if you buy the downloadable versions.